Watchman warriors

for revival


Watchman Warriors Shift The Nations


The Call to Watchman Warriors 4 Revival

Australia, NZ & Sth. Pacific

NOW is the time for fulfilment of Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy over Australia, NZ & the Pacific Islands (Melanesia and Polynesia).

The prophecy was that the last great revival across the earth would begin from Australia and the islands and spread across the globe. He said this revival would begin and not end!!

In order to fulfil this vision The Lord instructed us to raise up an army of prayer warriors devoted to keeping watch over the Pacific and advancing the Kingdom in revival power.

We meet on-line as a prayer team called -

Watchman Warriors for Revival.

We also have a facebook page - Watchman Warriors 4 Revival

As we move into 2024 the passion and vision to raise up prayer warriors across the Great South Lands of the Holy Spirit has not wained in our hearts.


If you would like to join us for online prayer please e-mail us at or message us on our Facebook page

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