Watchman warriors

for revival


Watchman Warriors Shift The Nations


The Call to Watchman Warriors 4 Revival

Australia, NZ & Sth. Pacific

NOW is the time for fulfilment of Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy over Australia, NZ & the Pacific Islands (Melanesia and Polynesia).

The prophecy was that the last great revival across the earth would begin from Australia and the islands and spread across the globe. He said this revival would begin and not end!!

In order to fulfil this vision The Lord instructed us to raise up an army of prayer warriors devoted to keeping watch over the Pacific and advancing the Kingdom in revival power.

We meet on-line as a prayer team called -

Watchman Warriors for Revival.

We also have a facebook page - Watchman Warriors 4 Revival

As we move into 2024 the passion and vision to raise up prayer warriors across the Great South Lands of the Holy Spirit has not wained in our hearts.


If you would like to join us for online prayer please e-mail us at or message us on our Facebook page


“The Lord Will Crown Your Year with Sweetness"

January 02, 20242 min read

The Lord Will Crown Your Year with Sweetness

During these New Year celebrations I have noticed more and more bees. I’ve been given lots and lots of honey, more than I could use in 12mths. I’ve seen multiplied bees and beehives and even been given honeycomb.

The scripture refers to the promised land as a land flowing with milk and honey.

In this new year God is declaring that it is a year crowned in sweetness as we receive the promise of the inheritance He has for us. It is a year to receive the many and precious promises God has promised you.
They may have been delayed, but this year, the Lord is delivering on His promises.
He is a faithful God!

I sensed the Lord say: If you will put away the distractions from your life and soak in my word as the rain is now soaking the earth, you will see God pour our beyond what you have hoped and dreamed for, far beyond your wildest imagination.

There is grace that God is pouring out upon His people for faith to rise up and take the inheritances that He has for us.
The Lord is releasing the wealth of His Kingdom, the richness of His Kingdom to us as we believe. He is releasing:

Richness of spirit,
Richness in our soul,
Richness in our physical bodies,
Richness in our marriages, family and relationships
Richness in our jobs and promotions and benefits.
The riches of soul’s saved,
The riches of physical healing across the body of Christ.
Possession of our inheritance in land, finance and life!

Receive the grace of God’s goodness poured out this year to bring us into the realms of deliverance and freedom.

1Peter 3:2 says Beloved I desire that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.

God is pouring out a grace for faith to to know and understand, to believe and receive the release of the fullness of His Kingdom and the sweetness of promises fulfilled.

My daughter Rebecca has also decreed - There is a dense cloud of His faithfulness heavy with promises to be released.

He who has promised is faithful and it is a year to receive those promises from a God who is faithful.

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