Watchman warriors

for revival

Shift the Nation 2025

We are excited that God has given us direction for a prayer strike to shift our nation Australia over the 2025 elections.

Those who are interested in joining us and receiving outlines for prayer each month, please send through an e-mail to:

We will be praying together on the 5th of each month for 5 months, January to May.

In this year of exponential grace, we will believe for God's grace for prophetic insight and wisdom for what to pray and decree together.

We can then share this for all who want to continue to pray for change in our nation.

Looking forward to connecting with you all to shift our nation toward righteousness!!



If you would like to join us for online prayer please e-mail us at or message us on our Facebook page


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God’s Do’s & Dont's In Preparation

April 18, 20243 min read

God’s Do’s & Dont's In Preparation for Stormy Days Ahead

April 2024

Cheryl Lindley

I recently had a dream where I saw 2 large, very dark waves side by side out to sea, with the large expanse of exposed ocean floor between them and the beach line as typical of  ‘tsunami’ waves.

Christians in particular were all gathered in buildings by the seaside.
The buildings were like beach houses right on the beach, painted white with big glass windows looking out to the ocean.

Christians were cramming into these buildings, jostling to get a position jn front of the glass windows for a clear view of what everyone knew were the coming waves of revival.

Everyone was looking and pointing and talking loudly, excited to see what these waves of revival would bring.

While in the midst of these people it occurred to me that we were all in a very dangerous position. I suddenly realised it was crazy for us all to be in a building right where the tsunami was about to hit.

I saw how we would be swamped by the incoming wave and possibly drown, unable to get out of the building and away from the massive surge of water.

When I woke up God gave me this interpretation:

The next wave of revival is already forming and cresting in its momentum toward the shoreline.

This wave is a double wave, side by side coming through the double doors of 2024.

These waves were very dark and I felt they were dark with storms, but these storms were part of the coming revival for they were necessary to reveal truth and to bring cleansing to the bride of Christ.

The first dark wave I sensed was a wave of controversy and division.

This wave will produce a strong surge of God’s Spirit that will wash aside wrong doctrine. It will be used to re-align and re-position the people of God into healthy and productive families and networks across our nation and nations.

It will also produce a storm of strong debate and wrestling in the people of God, so that the bride  can be established on firm foundations of truth.

The second dark wave will release a strong surge of the Spirit to flush out hidden dirt and contamination to bring cleansing and clothe the bride in holiness. The Lord is fashioning for himself a people, ‘holy, and set apart for His purposes.’ (Deut.7:6)

Ps.124:7 declares the Lord is coming through His people who have prepared and postured themselves to release the greater flow of His Spirit.

Don’t’s  and Do’s in our preparation for the coming revival!!

  • Don’t just be on-lookers. This strong surge of My Spirit has the potential to overwhelm and confuse those who are not positioned high in their watch towers, watching and searching out My  Kingdom.

  • Do prepare in the secret place by earnestly seeking Me for wisdom and clarity. (Eph.1:17)

  • Don’t be caught with those who are running to try and find where revival might hit.

  • Be the revival!. Prepare so that you flow with the powerful tide of My Spirit that is destined to hit the shores of the nations.

  • Don’t be complacent. My Kingdom is advancing in force, for this is the only way to push back the powers of darkness.

  • Ensure you are positioned in the light of truth - ‘Search for the Kingdom as one searches for hidden treasure’ (Matt.13:44-46)

  • Don’t expect that My forceful power is like the world’s forceful power. (Eph.6:10-12)

  • Exercise the powerful weapons of My Kingdom of: humility, surrender, grace, truth, faithfulness, the might of the Spirit, courage, boldness, discernment, faith, unity, love, joy and peace.        Use these weapons to forcefully advance My Kingdom in the earth!

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