Watchman warriors

for revival


Watchman Warriors Shift The Nations


The Call to Watchman Warriors 4 Revival

Australia, NZ & Sth. Pacific

NOW is the time for fulfilment of Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy over Australia, NZ & the Pacific Islands (Melanesia and Polynesia).

The prophecy was that the last great revival across the earth would begin from Australia and the islands and spread across the globe. He said this revival would begin and not end!!

In order to fulfil this vision The Lord instructed us to raise up an army of prayer warriors devoted to keeping watch over the Pacific and advancing the Kingdom in revival power.

We meet on-line as a prayer team called -

Watchman Warriors for Revival.

We also have a facebook page - Watchman Warriors 4 Revival

As we move into 2024 the passion and vision to raise up prayer warriors across the Great South Lands of the Holy Spirit has not wained in our hearts.


If you would like to join us for online prayer please e-mail us at or message us on our Facebook page

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Fire on The Altar

March 14, 20244 min read

Fire On The Altar!


Marguerite Hogan

Tuesday 27 February 2024

I began to pray in the spirit and saw what looked like an altar with a huge white bible open on it.

Saturday 2 March 2024

I was praying and immediately this vision of the altar returned. It was a pure white holy altar formed in the spirit over the nation of Australia.

Then I saw a haze appear around this altar as if the smoke of a fire had blown in.  Suddenly, I saw flames rise up around it.

It reminded me of the scriptures in Leviticus when the Lord said the fire on the altar must never go out. Lev.6:13.

Then I heard the Spirit say to me:    The fire on the altar of your heart must be kept burning. I have fire from this altar over Australia to release to those who have the oil in their lamps. 

I could hear voices crying out in worship:


I didn’t see who sang but I saw trumpets appear around the altar and then angels began to blow them as if an announcement was being made.

I kept praying and watching. Suddenly faces of intercessors were shown to me. They were on their knees crying out MERCY MERCY MERCY!! 

I began to feel those cries of Mercy in my own spirit as if I had become one with their intercession.

Suddenly angels grabbed some fire and threw it down. It hit my spirit and burned into me.

At the time it was intense. It felt like deep pangs and groaning in my inner man. I just cried out – GOD!!! Then I heard:

You need this fire!! It’s fire from My Altar, pure and holy fire to cleanse and purify. The altar you saw is being built by the praises, prayers and intercession of My burning ones.  I am inhabiting their praises, and I am releasing fire from My altar.

This encounter felt like a reshaping of my heart, a melting and refining, and I sensed it was only a glimpse of what the Lord desires to do. He is a consuming fire. Heb.12:29.

I sensed His desire to literally burn through hearts where anything is hindering the release of the Holy Spirit’s work in us.

This fire ignited a spirit of intercession. I could sense it was powerful to change, reshape and transform.  Even as I wrote this, I could still smell smoke…


As ministers of prayer, this is a reminder to:

-keep revival fires burning in the altars of our hearts to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to change and transform us.

-keep us humble and walking righteously and in purity and holiness; emptied of self so we can carry the fullness of the Spirit of God.  

-carry revival fire and be filled with refreshing living waters in our inner man that overflow to touch people and witness the fire of the Holy Spirit change their hearts.  John 7:38.

Even now I can hear the Spirit of God saying:

Let Me ignite you.  You have been anointed with fresh oil now let Me touch you with this fire from My altar and set you ablaze. Any dross that has crept in, any leaven that has been mixed will be burnt and My refining process will bring you forth once again as purified gold even more resilient to what’s coming into the earth.   Rev. 3:18.

I cried as I felt His heart so strongly to use His holy prayer warriors through intercession to again call for repentance in the earth, a return to righteous living and to usher in transformational revival.

Pray to the Lord to release these ‘Waves of revival fire’ and the refreshing water of the Word to conform us to His image and to spread the gospel of the Kingdom and proclaim God’s goodness.

This year is 2024 and 24 means Gods Government manifests.

In the more of 2024 God is fast tracking the equipping of his fivefold ministers who are ready and willing to be mantled with greater authority.

I hear the Lord say:   

You think you felt the fire in a past revival. That was only a sample of Who I Am. My love and power are a consuming fire that transforms. Keep the fire burning on the altar of your heart and know that I have sent fire around the altar forming over your nation. It is a holy fire.  Keep praying keep interceding for the release of the fire of My Spirit to cleanse hearts so my kingdom can come forth as never before in Australia. I desire no quick revivals. My desire is to do the deep transformation of men’s hearts to come to maturity for governance on the earth.   I am with you mighty warriors.

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